Jennifer Brannigan, RD, LDN, IFNCP, CDCES
Jen Brannigan is a Registered Dietitian at Moorestown Integrative Wellness. She is board-certified as an Integrative and Functional Nutrition Practitioner as well as a Diabetes Educator. With over 10 years in the nutrition field, Jen has found her passion of helping individuals get to the”root” of their problems by taking a holistic approach, addressing the whole body (not just diet!). Jen will take the time to listen to your concerns and help you implement small, easy changes that will make drastic changes in how you feel. She believes nutrition is very individualized. Working together you can expect these dietary/lifestyle changes are a lot easier than you thought (no calorie counting here!).
Outside of helping clients, you can find Jen spending time with her family, taking a hot yoga class, and you may even find her taking an ice bath!