What is Integrative Health and Wellness?

What is Integrative Health and Wellness?

Integrative Health and Wellness is an approach to health and healing that combines conventional medicine with complementary and alternative practices for the purpose of reducing disease risk and optimizing health. An integrative approach includes a broader understanding of the nature of health and healing and takes into consideration the whole person; body, mind and spirit. By taking an integrative approach we understand that the healer-patient relationship and the patient themselves play an essential role in the healing process.

At Moorestown Integrative Wellness the art and science of healing synthesize through the use of client-centered treatments and empirically supported interventions. We use a model of wellness that includes attending to eight key points of wellness; sleep, exercise, nutrition, social supports, spirituality, positive emotional experience, self-regulation, and lifelong learning. At the heart of these eight points is purpose, that which gives life meaning.